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Grilla de Programación de Cartoon Network USA - Marzo 1993

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Grilla de Programación de Cartoon Network USA - Marzo 1993 Empty Grilla de Programación de Cartoon Network USA - Marzo 1993

Mensaje por ezeneco Lun Oct 11, 2010 6:19 pm


5:00AM Josie and the Pussycats
5:30AM Back to Bedrock
6:00AM Morning Crew
10:00AM Tom & Jerry
11:00AM Top Cat
11:30AM Fantastic Max
12:00PM The Snorks
12:30PM Paw Paws
1:00PM Shirt Tales
1:30PM Richie Rich
2:00PM Down Wit' Droopy Dog
4:00PM Top Cat
4:30PM Josie and the Pussycats
5:00PM Super Adventures
6:00PM Birdman/Galaxy Trio
6:30PM Centurions
7:00PM Jonny Quest
7:30PM Back to Bedrock
8:00PM The Flintstones
8:30PM The Jetsons
9:00PM Bugs and Daffy Tonight!
11:30PM Toon Heads
11:45PM Down Wit' Droopy Dog
1:45AM The Jetsons
2:15AM Toon Heads
2:30AM Bugs and Daffy Tonight!


5:00AM Dynomutt
5:30AM Josie and the Pussycats
6:00AM World Famous Toons
8:00AM Down Wit' Droopy Dog
10:00AM Wacky Races
11:00AM Huckleberry Hound
12:00PM Super Heroes Super Adventures
2:00PM Galtar
2:30PM Birdman/Galaxy Trio
3:00PM Fantastic Four
3:30PM Dynomutt
4:00PM Thundarr
4:30PM Centurions
5:00PM Jonny Quest
5:30PM The Jetsons
6:00PM Wacky Races
7:00PM Huckleberry Hound
8:00PM Bugs & Daffy Saturday Nite
9:00PM The Flintstones
9:30PM The Jetsons
10:00PM Back to Bedrock
10:30PM Jonny Quest
11:00PM Toon Heads
12:00AM Bugs & Daffy Saturday Nite
1:00AM World Famous Toons
3:00AM Toon Heads
4:00AM Super Heroes Super Adventures


5:00AM Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home
6:00AM Kwicky Koala
6:30AM Paw Paws
7:00AM Shirt Tales
7:30AM Dink the Dino
8:00AM The Snorks
9:00AM The Misadventures of Ed Grimley
10:00AM Boomerang
12:00PM The Jetsons
12:30PM Johnny Quest
1:00PM Dynomutt
1:30PM Galtar
2:00PM Thundarr
2:30PM Birdman/Galaxy Trio
3:00PM Magilla Gorilla & Friends
4:00PM World Famous Toons
6:00PM Down Wit' Droopy Dog
8:00PM Bugs & Daffy Sunday Nite
9:00PM The Flintstones
9:30PM The Jetsons
10:00PM The Misadventures of Ed Grimley
11:00PM Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home
12:00AM Dynomutt
12:30AM Galtar
1:00AM Bugs & Daffy Sunday Nite
3:00AM World Famous Toons

Fuentes: http://www.nickandmore.com/tv-schedule-archive

Cantidad de envíos : 1427
Localización : Necochea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Edad : 33
Scoring : 932014
Fecha de inscripción : 10/04/2008


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